Remembering Jason

I hope everyone will take some time to add a thought or message to Jason's family or even leave something that went unsaid to Jason that you wish you could have said. I hope this to be a great support site for family and friends who will always remember what a great guy Jason is.
I know there are many people who took pictures and video at the services. Feel free to send copies or links to me at

Friday, January 9, 2009

The Viewing

It was wonderful to see how many people came to the viewing. Our count makes it at least a couple hundred. Thank you again for all your support for the family.

Yes many tears were shed but also much happiness was shared in the reuniting of family and friends who have spent too long of time apart. There were pictures displayed and the video was redone and more was added. In honor of Jason who always wore a hat on backwards, his brothers all wore hats at the viewing on backwards. It was a neat showing of support and a good way to remember Jason.

As a special showing of support Jason's Granparents who are in their nineties came. We love them dearly.

Once again, Thanks.

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